cover image: The National Magazine  New Series. August  1905

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The National Magazine New Series. August 1905


The owl was exchanged on her helmet for a cock and on the point of her spewas the cap of liberty ; her train was held by four of the Municipality and as she moved the persons near fell on their knees as they do at the passing of the Host in Roman Catholic countries. [...] The fidelity of the wife and the purity of the maiden are committed whoily to their own sense of honour somewhat quickened perhaps and invigorated by the certainty that death would be the inevitable and immediate consequence of a detected lapse from chastity. [...] The children of the higher orders proceed from these schools to others of a superior description where they are carefully instructed in morals and manners including the whole science of good-breading the minutest laws of etiquette the forms of behaviour as graduated towards every individual of the whole human race by relation rank and station including also a through knowledge of the almanac [...] The lofty scale of civilizAtion to which the Hindu society attained the high standard of nou tlity which governed and still governs the daily works of the Hindoos the ideal religious wriing:s and the two great epics which still guide the works of the present day Hindoos conclusively prove that the Hindoos are pre-eminently even to this day the most moral godfearing nation on the earth al [...] Let me today for the edification of our critics who criticise not in the spirit of MI unbiased critic but that of a vilifier show what does the Mahabharata the highly venerated epic lay down to be the duties of women and which still faithfully guide the relation between a man and his wile in the Hindu world.
humanities general
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
Mrs Sherwood’s Autobiography
312-329 H. Beveridge view
Social and Domestic Life of the Japanese
330-334 A. J. view
The Duties of the Hindu Woman
335-338 Bijoy Gangooli view
Avedi or the Spiritualist : A Spiritual Tale
339-358 P. C. Mittra view
i-i unknown view

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