cover image: The Eastern Economist  October 23  1953

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The Eastern Economist October 23 1953


The most significant gain of the Coference of the Consultative Committee of the Colombo Plan is the value added by this highly qualified advice to the raw material of many plans in the countries of this area. [...] The fact that the traffic was one way in that we were being examined whilst the plans of the assisting coutries were not was nowhere felt; this is a tribute to the tact and friendliness of the assisting countries no less than to the wise tolerance of the countries that are being assisted. [...] PROGRESS UNDER THE COLOMBO PLAN The main object of the New Delhi session of the Consultative Committee of the Colombo Plan was the review of the progress under the Plan in 1952-53. [...] The rehabilitation of the economies of Indonesia Malaya and Viet-Nam was in progress but real development has been noticed in India and Pakistan with the difference that the economy of the latter suffered adversely in 1952 and 1953 because of the price recession. [...] The reply of the countries supporting the resolution was that the crux of the matter lay in the fact that the right of the noself-governing territories to seldetermination was paramount and it was unquestionably safeguarded by the criteria set out in the resolution.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
673-673 E.P.W. Da Costa view
After the Conference
673-674 E.P.W. Da Costa view
The Retreat to Liberalism
675-675 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Land Reform—a New Approach?
676-676 E.P.W. Da Costa view
The Week’s Notes
677-680 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Overseas Reports
681-681 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Letters to the Editor
682-682 E.P.W. Da Costa view
683-684 E.P.W. Da Costa view
News in Brief
685-686 E.P.W. Da Costa view
A Window on the World
687-688 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Book Reviews
689-690 E.P.W. Da Costa view
A Delhi Diary
691-691 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Betterment Levies
692-693 E.P.W. Da Costa view
India’s Trade with S.-E. Asia
693-694 E.P.W. Da Costa view
The Business World
695-698 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Business Notes
699-701 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Commodity News and Notes
702-702 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Comapny Affairs
703-706 E.P.W. Da Costa view
Current Statistics
707-711 E.P.W. Da Costa view
712-712 E.P.W. Da Costa view

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