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Welfare February 1927


Another scheme started on the initiative of the Health Committee and belonging to this same group of its activities was the despatch of a Commission to the Eastern Mediterranean and to Black Sea ports to enquire into international arrangements regarding the prevention of epidemic diseases in the Near East in connection with the need for revising the International Sanitary Convention of 1912. [...] It enables the Health Committee —which has accepted the task with the conesent of the Council—to initiate and co-ordinate investigations and research work bearing upon vaccination against cholera the endemic centres of this terrible disease and the Measures to be taken to prevent the risk of the outbreak of an epidemic of pulmonary plague in Manchuria. [...] This was followed in 1925 by an investigation of countries around the Mediterranean basin and the programme further included a number of scientific studies such as the relationship of river deltas to endemic malaria ( the Danube the Ebro the Po etc.) the role of animals and of rice fields in the production of malaria in Europe the results obtained by drainage measures by other anti-larval [...] comparing the action of both cinchonine and the total extract of cinchona with that of luinine and in due time when sufficient data have been aquireq intends to a11 a conference to consider the world production of quinine in acecydance with the request of the public health administration of the kingdom of the Serbs Croats and Slovenes. [...] The proper grinding of both the flint and stone is of the utmost importance as upon it depends not only the facility of working and plasticity of the body but also the ultmate quality of the wares.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv Ashoke Chatterjee view
The Health Organisation of the League of Nations
73-80 Ramananda Chatterjee view
The Manufacture of Earthenwares in England
81-85 Hiren Bose view
Joy of Life
85-88 Diwan Sharma view
What They Want
88-89 Nestor Noel view
Unemployment in India
90-94 Gopal Haldar view
Usefulness of Eggs with Words on the Poultry Industry in America
94-97 Bhupendra Guha view
Maurice E. Watts. B.A. Bar-At Law. (The First Christian Diwan of Trarancore)
97-103 N.K. Venkateswaran view
The Art of the Book
103-105 N.C. Choudhuri view
Tested in a Texas Norther
106-106 John Ward view
The All-India. Woman’s Conference
107-108 H.K. Banerjee view
Big Moments in Little Lives
109-109 Margaret Rhoads view
Electro-Plating with Copper
110-111 S.R.M. Naidu view
112-113 Laura Gary view
Indian Taxation Reforms
113-116 E.S. Sunda view
What Makes it Rain
116-117 Lucy Fuller view
Indian Idustries—Biscuit Making in India
118-119 V.S. Chinnasami view
Music in the Nursery
119-120 Elizabeth Fulghm view
“Rutwiy” Transport
121-122 A.P. Som view
The Milk Supply of India
123-128 L.L. Ram view
The Disabilities of Rural India II. Their remedies
128-130 Sundara Jayasankar view
A Child’s Moral Development Through Nature
130-131 Elsie Kartack view
Greater India News
132-133 Satyananda Roy view
Do You Know ?
133-135 unknown view
Our Point of View
135-136 unknown view
i-ii unknown view

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