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The Kalpaka India’s only Psychic and Spiritual Review August 1923


Till the safest and indeed the only guide the Voice of the Super-conscious Mind—VivEVA wrongly taken as synony mous with Corscienee—conscious of the only and eternal truth - the oneness of God His essence of Absolute Conscious Free Will and Man's full essential identity with Him again rises above the clamours of the Ego and the Sub-conscious the Voice of Reason is the next safest guide. [...] When those in the spirit body come into the environments of the flesh world they clothe themselves for the flesh atmophere as does the diver and the miner clothe themselves to go to the bottom of the ocean or into the mine or the same as we clothe ourselves for different temperatures. [...] phase of his life relating to his iassuming the office of a priest in the temple of the Divine Mother at Dakshneswar and his meeting with the Bhairavi Brahrnani a woman of extraordinary spiritual beauty who guided Sri Ramakrishna in the practice of the sadhanaa of the 64 principal tantras with the Sanyasin Thotha Puri who gave him the adwaitic realisaticp of the one transcendental B [...].My lordl just as (6) The clearly conclusive form of the uniform consciousness Ask (7) Just as the rope itself becomes designated as knots when it gets coiled round itself ills nescienoe about the self itself coiled itself in the space of consciousness that is the basis of bodies etc of and becomes finite phenomena (8) It must be said that the idea that there is no repose in the form of the self [...] Just as the word Samvit (consciousness) is used to denote the destruction of the self that is devoid of any quality and that is of one homogenous infinity apart from insentient phenomena in like manner in order to distinguish from the painful nature of the world the attribute of bliss has been employed The experience of bliss at the time of concentration is nothing new in the nature of the sel
philosophy religion
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
The Trend of Psychical Research
343-350 Hereward Carrington view
The True Post Vedic Philosophy
351-356 K.K. Gongulee view
The Text Book of Life-II
357-363 Effa Danelson view
Half Hours with Valmiki
364-366 T.V. Rao view
Glimpses of Sri Rama Krishna’s Spiritual Greatness
367-374 A. Srinivasachari view
Applied Psychology
375-376 John Miller view
Tirpura Rahasya or a Practical Study in Consciousness
377-381 V.R. Subrahmaniam view
Studies in Psychology
382-386 Ivi view
Experiences in Hypnotism
387-388 G. Row view
Books Received
389-390 unknown view

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