cover image: The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society

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The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society


The shields bordering the lips the scales at the side of the throat and the scales beneath the body and tail are more or less margined posteriorly with black ; in fact these marks form a very characteristic trait in the physiognomy. [...] Black the apical half of the 1st andeminal segment the whole of the 2nd and 3rd and the basal three-foul ths of the 4th bright red ; the legs red ; the coxm basal joint of the 4 anterior trochanters apical third hir.d 'ilia and the hind tarsi black ; the hind spurs fuscous ; wings hyaline the stigma fuscous the nervures black. [...] Luteous the eye orbits broadly and the face bale lemon-yellow ; the pleuras tinged with yellow ; the sides of the middle lobe of mesonotum and the sides of the lateral yellow. [...] The stump on the discocubital nervure is half the length of the basal abscissa of the cubitus ; the recurrent nervure is received distinctly behind the commencement of the latter ; the transverse median nervure is almost intersttial. [...] The upper two-thirds of the propleurte the basal half of the mesopleurm except below the middle and the middle of the petiole above are firmly and closely striated ; the metanotum is irregularly more strongly striated and more or less punctured.
agriculture environment
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
A Popular Treatise on the Common Indian Snakes
259-273 F Wall view
On the Tenthredinide & Parasitic Hymenopteia Collected in Baluchistan by Major C.G. Nurse
274-288 P. Cameron view
On the Tenthredinide and Parasitic Hymenoptera Collected by Major C.G. Nurse in Kashmir
289-292 P. Cameron view
The Kashmir Termite Termopsis Wroughtoni
293-298 J. Desneux view
Flowering Season and Climate
i-xix J. Desneux view
The Oology of Indian Pafiasitic Cuckoos
xx-xliv E.C. Baker view
The Snake and Its Natural Foes
xlv-lxv F. Wali view
Some Hints for Beginners on Collecting and Presettving Natural History Specimens
lxvi-lxxii E. Comber view
Descriptions Of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera
lxxiii-lxxxvii E. Meyrick view
The Common Butterflies of the Plains of India
lxxxviii-xciv I.C.H. Youno view
Insect Life in India and How to Study It Being a Simple Account of the More Important Families of Insects with Examples of the Damage They Do to Crops Tea Coffee and Indigo Concerns Fruit and Forest Trees in India
xcv-cxvii E.P. Stebbing view
The Moths of India
cxviii-cxlix George Hampson view
Birds of the Provinces of Kashmir and Jammu and Adjacent Districts
cl-clvi A.E. Ward view
Notes on Anda Man Birds With Accounts of the Nidification of Several Species Whose Nests and Eggs Have Not Been Hitherto Described
clvii-clxii B.B. Osmaston view
A List of Birds Found in the Myingyan District of Burma
clxiii-clxxv K.C. Macdonald view
A List of Publications Relating to India
clxxvi-clxxxi K.C. Macdonald view
Notes on the Genus Tatera with Descriptions of New Species
clxxxii-clxxxv R.C. Wroughton view
Miscellaneous Notes
clxxxvi-ccxix R.C. Wroughton view
ccxx-ccxxvi R.C. Wroughton view

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