cover image: Journal of the Indian Medical Association  May 1953


Journal of the Indian Medical Association May 1953


But in specimens subjected to the action of ribonuclease in the fresh state (vide supra) the nucleus showed a paler colour and in some of the flagellates the darker staining karyosome and the peripheral ring of the nucleus was replaced by a nuber of dark short dot or rod like structures (Plate I Figs. [...] Our study of the nucleotides in L. donovani shows that DNA is present in the nucleus and the parabasal body of the parasite in both the leishmania and the leptomonad forms. [...] The Feuigen method is a specific reaction for DNA and thus the appearance of the nucleus of the leptomonad as seen with this method represents the true picture and there is DNA in the nuclear membrane of the leptornonad as in the leishmania form. [...] The fact that the parabasal body lying on the dorsal wall of the flagellar vacuole and usually occuping a posterior position contains DNA may be held as evidence in support of the view that these two together represent the second nuclear structure in the protozoon the flagellar vacuole being the nuclear sac and the parabasal body the chromatinic structure (c.f. [...] The distribution of DNA in the nucleus is described; only the karyosome and the periphery of the nucleus of both the leishmania and the leptomonad forms show the presence of DNA.
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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
The Cytology of Leishmania Donovani (Laveran & Mesnil 1903) Ross 1903
305-308 P.C. Sen Gupta, B. Bhattacharya, H.N. Ray view
The Isolation of Enteric Group of Organisms from Contaminated Blood Samples A Comperative Study of D.C.E. and B.S.A. Media
308-311 Z.K. Bharucha, B.G. Modi view
Tuberculin Sensitivity of Tuberculous Patients
311-312 Caroll Plamer view
Preparation of Near to Sterile Calf Lymph (Vaccjne Lymph) by the “Streptomycin Technique”
313-315 V.N. Krishnamurthy view
Blood Loss During Operations
315-317 Purnima Sircar view
Filariasis in Tropical Asia
317-323 Donald Augustine view
324-326 I.N. Rao view
Medical Education and Clinical Research in India
326-327 G.D. Veliath view
Medical Education and Clinical Research in India (Bombay State)
328-329 T.B. Patel, K.P. Ganguly view
Recurrent Synovioma
329-330 Man Singh, Gurbachan Singh view
Twin Pregnancy in Bicornuate Uterus
330-331 S.A. Bhagat view
A Lipoma in the Lumbar Region
331-331 L.N. Pherwani view
The Present Status of Intravenous Iron Therapy
332-333 unknown view
Current Medical Literature
334-335 unknown view
Current Topics
336-340 unknown view
Notes and News
341-342 unknown view
342-342 unknown view
Supplement Jonrnal of the Indian Medical Association
lxix-lxxvi unknown view

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