cover image: The Aryan Path  October  1950


The Aryan Path October 1950


This is a fit occasion to remember and also remind our fellow-men that the Hinduism of Gandhiji is not that of the temples and priests of rituals practised by the orthodox Hindus for the living and the dead of absurd caste-rules in the matter of dining marriage and untouchability. [...] And " the high and the best way thither is run by desires and not by paces of feet." C. T. K. CHARI" A NOTE ON THE ABOVE Shri C. T. K. Chari does well to recognize in his pregnant article that “ the conscious mind is but the superficies of the Self ” if indeed it be not better defined as the instrment of the latter ; as also to ditinguish between the psychic and the spiritual so commonly [...] His theory of the possible persitence of mental images apart from the mind of their author and their endowment with " a kind of force ' of their own " varying with the intensity of the emotion at the time they were generated is very much in line with the Theosophical teaching. [...] The discord of today and the fantastic motions which accompany it—of which the " jitter-bug " is the most idiotic in the full meaning of the word—are clear indications of the clash of vibrations in the astral or thought world which have led to the most appalling and universal wars in the world's long and troubled history. [...] The only way to achieve this end is to reduce to a minimum the preoccupation with the needs of the body and to liberate the inner life of the spirit through meditation and prayer.
philosophy religion

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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii Sophia Wadia view
“Thus have i Heard”
433-434 Shravaka view
Why Civilization Cannot Collapse
435-439 Hamilton Fyfe view
The Psychic Veil of the Self
440-442 C.T.K. Chari view
A Note on the Above
442-445 A Student of Theosophy view
Youth and its Elders
446-454 R.P. Morrison view
455-457 C. Seturai view
Human Rights and Jamaica
457-457 Sophia Wadia view
Diotima and the Lover
458-462 Diotima view
New Books and Old
463-473 Sophia Wadia view
The Indian Institute of Culture
474-478 Sophia Wadia view
Ends and Sayings
479-480 Sophia Wadia view
i-iv Sophia Wadia view

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