cover image: The Friend of India and Statesman  Friday  January 10th  1879

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The Friend of India and Statesman Friday January 10th 1879


The first gross and unpardonable blunder was the commencment of the war so late in the season in the face of the full knowledge we poises of the character of the country and the severities of its short winter. [...] A project not of the rational but of the diabolic order ; elope the hope of really conqueriug India while the British Empire has not only all the resources of India in its hands but the command of every"26 The Friend of India and Statesman. [...] We are perhaps too aptto fall into the belief that the effects of a year of drought and famine end with the breaking up of the last relief-work and the closing of the last poor-house. [...] Thus there is no means of making good the missing rent ; and the courts have no option but to grant decrees against the cultivators reserving only as the extreme limit of mercy the right to throw the coats of the suit upon the landlord. [...] On the contraryt the Rent Act of 1878 was drafted by a Committee of officers inferior to no man in the province as regards knowledge of the circumstances of the cultivator and actuated by the sincerest sympathy with him and the strongest desire to protect him by all means in their power.
government politics public policy
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The Friend of India and Statesman
23-44 unknown view
English Supplement to the Friend of India and Statesman
1-4 unknown view
i-ii unknown view