cover image: The Indian Review  May 1950  A Monthly Periodical Devoted to the Discussion of All Topics of Interest

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The Indian Review May 1950 A Monthly Periodical Devoted to the Discussion of All Topics of Interest


In the course of his message to one of the Annual f unctions of the Liberal Party in New York Truman made the following significant observation : The world today is an arena in which the principles of democracy are being challenged and the people of the world are measuring the performance of the democracies against the promises of totalitarianism. [...] It covered the Vedas Brahmanas and their philosophy the Earlier Upanishads Buddhist and Jain Philosophy the Kapila and Patanjali Sankhya the Nyaya-Vaisesika and Mimamsa Schools and towards the close of the volume took up the exposition of the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara. [...] It covered besides the philosophy of the Yoga Vasishta the medical specultions of various schools of Ayurveda and concluded with an illuminating discussion of the doctrine and teaching of the Bhagavad Gita and of the controversies ranging round that member of the great triad of Prastanas. [...] And the matchless brilliance and fascination of the Advaita dialectics the sheer intellectual courage and vigour and resource of practically all the great expositors in the Advaita side of the grand debate have obscured the somwhat less sparklingly brilliant dialectics of the Madhya school. [...] The tone of the Pakistan Press and Pakistan leaders tends to be resentful arrogant and sometimes aggressive The quarrel over the non-devaluation of the rupee by Pakistan or over its devaluation by India had its roots not so much in the effect on trade as in the Pakistani preening of self-sufficiency —and therefore of the success of Partition— and the feeling of outrage in India not only about
government politics public policy
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
A Religion for Skeptics
329-333 Brahmachari Ramachandra view
Democracy in America
334-336 S. N. Agarwal view
India’s Import Control Policy
337-338 V. R. Rao view
“I Meet the Maharshi”
339-340 B. Natesan view
The Bhakti School of Indian Thought
341-344 S. Ramaswami view
India Revisited : Indo-Pak Problems
345-348 Lionel Fielden view
A Talk with Laski
349-352 P. E. Dastoor view
Wordsworth: The Poet of Nature
353-354 Augustus Muir view
India’s Economic Highlights an Appraisal of the Pattern of Indian Economy
355-358 B. Natesan view
Adventures of a Diplomat
359-359 “Bookman” view
Topical Cartoons
360-360 B. Natesan view
From my Notebook
361-363 “Bee” view
Late. Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha
364-366 M. Syed view
Science and Invention
367-368 B. Natesan view
Home and Foreign Affairs
369-373 “An Indian Journalist” view
The World of Books
374-375 B. Natesan view
Diary of the Month
376-376 B. Natesan view
Readers’ Digest
377-382 B. Natesan view
Indians Outside India
383-384 B. Natesan view
Multum in Parvo
385-392 B. Natesan view