cover image: Modern Review May  1953


Modern Review May 1953


The Committee 1 It that the urgency for extension of the State boundaries rested not only on the linguistic principle but en other feelers including the administrative neressity of connecting the three separate pans of West Bengal and refugee rehabilitation. [...] of the AICC espressed the hope that the Central Coieunment would appoint a highpcnset commission to 'tufty the question of rei.tribution of States dispassionately anti present a plan to solve the question and not to shelve it. [...] Surely it Is time to perform a major operation on the diseased body of the Government !" Peace Prospects Brighten Up The ptitieal firmament seems to be distinctly overeat as a result of tho moves and statements of the succesont to Stalin in the Kremlin. [...] and the Bow of the Rail and the Sutlrj were below 45 per cent of the normal. [...] tern of taxation—Central State and local—with refrence to (al the development programme of the country and the resources required for he and (b) the objective of reducing inequalities of income and wealth.
government politics public policy

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Kedarnath Chatterjee view
337-356 unknown view
Assembled India
357-361 Prabuddha N. Chatterjee view
The Middle East and the Cold War
361-362 Karl Loewy view
India’s Fuel Problem
362-364 Sukumar Merh view
Cattle Wealth in India
365-ii C. B. Mamoria view
Humanity on the March
373-376 Sudhansu Mookherji view
Spain Today
377-381 Madan Gupta view
Thakkar Bapa and his Accounts
381-383 K. S. Shriram view
A Pilgrimage to Darkness
383-386 Ajit Dutta view
Old Memories of Burdwan
386-388 Nirmal Sinha view
Around the Wettest Village in the World
388-394 S. C. Dixit view
John Dewey Famous American Educator and Philosopher
394-395 unknown view
A Sanskrit University for West Bengal
396-397 Jatindra Chaudhuri view
Study of Sanskrit
397-398 Chintaharan Chakravarti view
The Dawn Society of Calcutta
399-403 Haridas Mukherjee view
A Summary Survey of Art Journals in India
403-404 Kundinya view
Book Reviews
405-410 unknown view
Indian Periodicals
411-414 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
415-421 unknown view