cover image: Modern Review April 1953

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Modern Review April 1953


The seer first thing necessary in this country is to cheek the flood of corruption that threaten% to engulf the nation and the logical corollary to that is the strengthening of the Central Government by the inelo. [...] The Finance Minister observes that 4 the level of development expenditure reached by the States in 1952.53 is maintained in the coming year the total expenditure taking the Centre and the States together for the three years ending March 1954 would hase. [...] In the opinion of the nub-committee the criticism was wholly unjustified and MO "merely an attempt to justify the negligence of officers." The sub-committee said that a controversy about the procedure was raised. [...] Govenunent are unecconarily taking over the liability of private enterprises and divesting the limited resources of the country to safeguard the interests of the few. [...] The NI:ulster alto announced that with the coming of the rabi crop in the market and the etabili!ation of prises the gide of from the auecrament relief shops would be cenfined to towns a population of one lalth and over and in deficit towns of eastern districts acid h:11 towns.
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Kedarnath Chatterjee view
253-272 unknown view
Rise of the Indian Parliament
273-280 Rajani Das, Sonya Das view
Cattle Wealth in India
281-286 C. B. Mamoria view
The Universities of Europe
286-ii Alfred S. Schenkman view
Five-Year Plan and Village Industries
289-291 Mankumar Sen view
Economics of Linguistic States
291-292 S. N. Agarwal view
Deputy Ministers in a State in India
293-294 D. N. Banerjee view
Benedetto Croce—His Philosophy
294-296 S. K. Nandi view
The Creep of the Desert
297-299 K. V. Krishnamurthy view
The Kalachuri Relations with Bengal
300-301 Puspa Niyogi view
The Managing Agency System in India
302-304 Ganga view
Sudhir Khstgir—An Artist of the People
305-309 Ratnamberdutt Chandola view
Ceremonial Corn Dance of American Indians
309-311 W. Norton Jones view
Agricultural Marketing in West Bengal
311-317 Jyotirmoy Roy view
A New Method of Pasteurising Milk
318-320 J. Sircar view
Book Reviews
321-325 unknown view
Indian Periodicals
326-330 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
331-337 unknown view