cover image: Modern Review  December  1927

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Modern Review December 1927


Roe wrote much about India highly lauding the country the people whom he represented as comparing favorably with the people of Europe the remarkable architecture of the land and other forms of high art the wealth of the upper classes the sphindor of the. [...] FOR DECEMBER 1927 The sleepless fun Moon in the silent night Myatt on the sea of sleep ; 7 The constant breath of the wind the opening morn The mingling of green and gold ; The wide-lying melancholy noon ; The deep dense forest-shade ; Far as the eye can reach the ears of corn Filling the apron of the earth — From the heart of the world to mine own heart Flows the current of life. [...] S Ineffable thoughts fill the heart The tears rise to the eyes ; My grief and separation melting dripping Bedew the breast of the universe; In the midst of the halcyon peace of Nature My life loses itself ; The dust-laden stream of sin and sorrow Mingles with the great heart of the? [...] But when uncontrolled by sympathy they are carried to the extreme which we see in so many Englishmen and Scotchmen in India and all the colonial possessions of Great Britain and take the forms of haughty assumption of race and color superiority of almost brutal discourtesy and of e'illingness to trample on the feelings and rights of their assumed inferiors then they are not good ; on the cont [...] The fact is (the world is not allowed to know it but the people of India Arnow it to their sorrow) the ignorance concerning India of the ordinary Englishman wLo comes there to manage the vast intricate and immensely important affairs of the Indian nation would be in the highest degree ludicrous if it were not shocking.
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Ramananda Chatterjee view
The Blighting Influence of Foreign Rule
631-636 J.T. Sunderland view
Bertrand Russell Interviewed
637-643 Dilipkumar Roy view
Are the British (Or any other Foreigners)Fit to Rule India?
643-651 J.T. Sunderland view
A Visit to Frankfurt A Main
651-655 Charu.C. Ghose view
Prayers and Sermons in Stones
655-658 Animesh Roy Chowdhury view
Afsidal Temples and Chaitya-Balls
658-663 R.D. Banerji view
The Volta Centenary
663-672 Meghnad Saha view
Indian Students in France
672-675 Anil K. Das view
The Imperial Film Project
675-677 C. Jayesinghe view
California Dispossesses Hindu Land-Owners
677-678 Ramalal.B. Bajpai view
“Oil” and Upton Sinclair"
678-679 Blanche Watson view
“Education” Or the Wasting of A Nation’s Life and Energy?
679-686 P.N. Datta view
687-693 unknown view
Reviews and Notioes of Books
693-702 unknown view
Comment and Criticism
702-704 unknown view
Professor Heinrioi Lueders' Eastward Ho!
704-707 Tarachand Roy view
Leopold Stokowsky
707-708 Ragini Devi view
Conditions of Native and Coloured Labor and the International Labor Office
708-711 Taraknath Das view
Indian Periodicals
711-719 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
719-727 unknown view
India’s Womanhood
728-729 unknown view
The Jute Export Duty
729-734 Nalini Sarkar view
Indians Abroad
734-737 Benarsidas Chaturvedi view
737-758 unknown view