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Allahabad University Studies


The object of this paper is to awaken an interest in the works of Parat and his collaborators on the Golgi apparatus among the Englisspeaking cytologists and such others who either owing to paucity of literature or ignorance of continental languages are precluded from following the discusion that has been going on for the last 3 years as regards the homology of the Golgi apparatus and Vacuom [...] According to the views held by the majority of Cytolgists the Golgi apparatus exists in cells in the form of filaments or a close network in the early stages and generally juxta-nuclear in position. [...] Parat and Bergeot (74) however claim that in the epithelial cells of the intestine and the stomach of Amphibians the Golgi apparatus cannot be considered to be of the nature of lipoids. [...] The examination of cytoplasmic inclusions in the oogenesis of a number of animals leads me to conclude : (1) That the Golgi bodies are granular and acquire a juxta-nuclear position in the early stages of development of the egg. [...] Gatenby J. B. and Brambell F. W. R.-On the supposed homology of the golgi elements of the mammalian nerve cells and the Nebenkern batonettes of the genetal cells of Invertbrates.
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-viii G.J. view
The Golgi Apparatus And Vacuome Theory
1-18 D.R. Bhattacharya view
On the Behaviour of the Golgi Apparatus in the Oogenesis of Calotes Versicolor (Boulenger)
19-30 S.K. Dutta, J.J.A Sana view
A Preliminary Account of the Cytoplasmic Inclusions in the Oogenesis of Columba Intermedia.
31-40 Ram Das view
On Echinorhynchus Sp. Inq. From Common Crows Corvus Corax And Corvus Splendens of Allahabad
41-62 M.N. Datta view
Trematode Parasites Of The Pleurogenetinae From Rana Tigrtna With A Revision And Synopsis Of The Sub-Family
63-118 H.R. Mehra, Pratap Negi view
Some Cestodes From Indian Fishes Including Four New Species of Tetraphyllidea And Revised Keys to the Genera Acanthobothrium And Gangesia
119-vii S.C. Verma view
Cytoplasmic Inclusions in the Oogenesis of Pheretima Posthuma.
177-192 U.S. Sharga view
Fungus Flora of Allahabad Uromyces Andropogonis-Annulati Syd. Et Butl. Nov. Spec on A New Host Andropogon Pertusus Willd.
193-216 Kanhaiya Saksena view
Acoustics of the Pianoforte
217-i R.N. Ghosh view
On The Arc Spectrum of Bismuth
233-252 G.R. Toshniwal view
Measurement of Capacity And High Resistance By Means of A Thermionic Valve
253-262 G.R. Toshniwal view
Viscosity of Sols in Presence of Electrolytes
263-284 D.N. Chakravarti, M.N. Chakravarti, N.R. Dhar view
Zinc Oxide As A General Sensitiser For Photochemical Reactions
285-294 A.K. Bhattacharya, N.R. Dhar view
On The Theory of Peptisation of Metallic Hydroxides in Presence Of Non-Eletrolytes
295-306 K.C. Sen view
A Theorem Concerning Zeros Of An Analytic Function
307-310 P.L. Srivastava view
A Note on Wordsworth’s Metaphysical System.
311-350 S.G. Dunn view
“Send To Coventry” : A Note
351-354 Amaranatha Jha view
The Muslim Law of Legitimacy And Section 112 of the Indian Evidence Act
355-374 Mahomed Ullah view
Some Aspects of the Absolutism of Shankaracharya
375-432 Anukul Mukerji view
Outlines of A History of Ayodhya From the Earliest Times to the Muhammadan Conquest
433-489 unknown view

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