cover image: Records of the Indian Museum (a Journal of Indian Zoology)

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Records of the Indian Museum (a Journal of Indian Zoology)


first five antenna segments of 9. longer than the femur nearly half the length of the rest of the tarsi combined twice the length of the second tarsal segment terminal tarsal segment longer than the penultimate. [...] This species differs from the two known species from the world in the proportions of the antennal and palpal segments the lighter colour of the legs and in the hind tibial spur being three-fourths the metatarsus. [...] nearly one-fourth the length of the eye temples one-fourth the width of the eye in the middle. [...] The present-day knowledge of the distribution of the genus Amemboa lends support to the Satpura Trend hypothesis as it strongly suggests the continuity of the Assam Himalayas with the Vindhya-Satpura chain of mountains at a time when this genus was widely distributed. [...] A systematic and extensive investigation of the insect fauna especially from the hill streams of the Vindhya Satpura and Ara'alli mountains will further throw considerable light on the distribution of the genus and bridge the gap that exists at the present moment.
agriculture environment
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
Four New Species of Platygasterid Parasites Hymenoptera of Call. Midges From India
1-10 S.N. Rao view
On the Distribution of the Genus Amemboa Esaki(Hemiptera: Heteroptera) with the Description of a New Species
11-i K.S. Pradhan view
A Note on Epilachna Ocellata Redt. (Coleoptera Coccinellidae) with Descriptions of Three Species Hitherto Confused with it
17-30 A.P. Kapur view
Descriptions of Gall Midges (Itonididae: Diptera) from India
31-42 S.N. Rao view
On a New Species of Apororhynchus from the White Scavenger Vulture Neophron Percnopterus (Linn.) from India
43-i E.N. Das view
Trematodes from Indian Marine Fishes
51-54 B.S. Chauhan view
On a New Species of Zoothamnium Stein (Protozoa: Vorticellidae) from the Grey Mullet Mugil Tade Forsk
55-58 H. Khajuria, T.V.R. Pillay view
Studies on the Classification of the Catfishes of the Oriental and Palaearctic Family Siluridae
59-116 Janet Haig view
Eudactylopus Krusadensis a New Species of Harpacticoid Copepod from Krusadi Island in the Gulf Ofo Manaar
117-120 S. Krishnaswami view
Some Indian Spiders of the Family Hersiliidae
121-126 T.B. Sinha view

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