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Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India August 1932


And one great problem of the day is how to save the starving millions of India from the immediate jaws of hunger how to spread the light of edcation far and wide in order to remove the colossal ignorance of the masses. [...] And while the people are suffering so muthe total miltary expenditure in Europe itself is £520 000 000 while including that of other lands is £900 800 000 ! It is true that governments in other countries are doing quite a lot for the people and the sufferings of the people in the West are nothing in comparison with the misery of the Indian population still with the advantages and the oppo [...] All the Vedas the Upanishads and the Smritis were given to the world by the Rishis of the various grades of spiritual evol8 tion whereas the Bhagavad-Gita was given by the Lord Himself. [...] One of the stumbling blocks in the way of grasing Sankara is the difficulty due to the ton-recognition of the fact that Sankara follows the tradition and adapts his teachings to the different classes of students. [...] They have also a high regard for the Ramayana and the Mahabharata the Smritis and the Tantras the Puranas and the Darshanas which are later productions of the best talents of India and which are believed to be the proper channels through which those revealed truths of the Vedas being progressively developed into a variety of forms without losing the essential spirit have flowed contnuously
philosophy religion
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
Notes of Conversation with Swami Turiyananda
365-367 Ashokananda view
Surfeited !
367-372 Ashokananda view
Shri Krishna’s Message to Modern India
373-377 M. H. Syed view
Sankara and his Modern Critics
377-384 V. Iyer view
Hinduism: What it is
384-391 Akshoy Banerjee view
Mahendra Nath Gupta
391-396 Raghavananda view
Socialism Idealism in Goethe’s Lyrics and Dramas
396-404 Benoy Sarkar view
Roman Catholic Church
404-405 Taraknath Das view
Mayavati Charitable Dispensary
405-407 Ashokananda view
Ashtavakra Samhita
407-408 Nityaswarupananda view
Notes and Comments
408-411 Ashokananda view
411-413 Ashokananda view
News and Reports
414-416 Ashokananda view

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