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Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India


For the admissibility of the validity of the Prarabdha is entirely due to the identification of the Atman with the body. [...] fi rTTigT a6--a t`1953 SOME THOUGHTS ON THE PURANAS 89 the consistency of a life of activity with the quest of the Supreme by stofies illustrative of the value of the Varnas and Ashramas rightly understood and of the significance of the several stages of life and their respective obligations. [...] The rules of chivalry in battle the limits of the true doctrine of Ahirnsa the limitations on a ruler in the matter of punishment of crime and the futility of wars of conquest are described in many Puranas and dealt with philosophically in the Bhishma Parva Shdriti Parva and Anushtsana Parva of the Nahbhãrata. [...] Through a narration of the difficulties and triumphs the struggles and the victories of divine incarnations and by means of the lifhistories of men and women in the stations of lift the Puranas serve the purpose of elevaing ordinary existence and giving it a higher purpose. [...] Directly and incidentally they preach the lesson which was embodied in the immortal sermon of Sri Krishna that for this life and the life beyond what matters is not the end but the means and the discipline to be followed is the implementation of the means in a spirit of dedication and detachment.
philosophy religion
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
73-73 Vandanananda view
Letters of Swami Turiyananda
74-75 unknown view
Ancient Ideals and Modern Life
75-78 Vandanananda view
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
79-86 Giuseppe Tucci view
Some Thoughts on the Puranas
86-91 C.P. Aiyar view
A Pilgrimage Through the Himalayas
92-94 Apurvananda view
The Tantric Cults
94-97 T.M.P. Mahadevan view
A Comparative Study of the Commentaries on the Brahma-Sutras
97-101 Vireswarananda view
Notes and Comments
101-102 unknown view
Reviews and Notices
102-103 unknown view
News and Reports
104-112 unknown view

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