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Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India


„ Though based on the Bhashya the book is neither a translation nor even an abridgment of the same ; all that is important in the Bhashya has been embodied in the English commentary ; while no essential point has been left out a few of the pregnant hints scattered throughout the Bhashya have been elaborated in the commentary.' —Modern Review The author has written a useful book which combines [...] II 18 0 The Renaissance in India 1 8 Ideals and Progress 1 0 The Ideal of the Karmayogin 1 8 The Superman 0 10 A System of National Education 1 0 Evolution 0 12 The National Value of Art 1 0 Thoughts and Glimpses 1 0 The Brain of India.. 0 8 Heraclitus 1 4 Uttarpara Speech.. 0 8 The Mother 1 0 Spirit and Form of Indian Polity 1 4 SISIRKUMAR MITRA : The Vision of India Ps. [...] The Ashrama 2. The Battle Within Man 3. Towards Buddhahood 4. The Children Of Israel 5. The Cross In India 6. The Fakir's Lizard 7. The Sacred Fire 8. The Flute Of Krishna 9. The Disciples 10. [...] The atmosphere of the country began to change since the appearance of the Master. [...] The Master's ideas are infinite—He is the Lord of the three worlds an ocean of uncaused mercy and the wish-fulfilling tree.
philosophy religion
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-50 Brahmayananda view
Swami Vivekananda on the Emblem of the Ramakrishna Mission
1-2 Brahmayananda view
Conversations of Swami Sivananda
3-5 Brahmayananda view
India and the World
6-12 Brahmayananda view
The Place of Sanskrit in the New Curriculum
12-15 Roma Chaudhuri view
Nivedita’s Personality
15-23 Dayamoy Mitra view
Sanskrit Historical Kavyas
23-25 J. B. Chaudhuri view
A Pilgrimage to Puri
25-34 A Wanderer view
Physics and Metaphysics: a Vedantic Approach
35-39 Prabas Chaudhury view
The Sadhana of Mira Bai: Gleanings from Her Songs
39-45 C. K. Handoo view
Britain’s Achievement in India: an Estimate
45-48 Nandalal Chatterji view
East and West
48-50 Nikhilananda view
Notes and Comments
50-53 Brahmayananda view
Reviews and Notices
54-56 Brahmayananda view
News and Reports
57-58 Brahmayananda view

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