cover image: Government of Bengal  Revenue Department  Report on the Administration of Bengal 1935-36

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Government of Bengal Revenue Department Report on the Administration of Bengal 1935-36


Unnecessary heat, on the other hand, was manifested in the rhetoric of influential men in public speeches and in the Press over the dispute concerning the Muslim claim for reservation of a . fixed percentage of appointments under the Calcutta Corporation, over the Hindu move to have the CoMmunal 'Award set aside, and hover the passage through thy. [...] occasion only fora few minutesiat the end of the evening's session, there was little- improvement in the disposal of business noticeable during 61 latter half of the year, while the usual number of complaints appeared in the Press against the habit of individual Councillors- interfering with the authority and discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. [...] Personal tours in all the :affected districts convinced the Additional Commissioner that the situation would be eased by _ the introduction of a greater degree of -uniformity in the rates of wages_ and in the methods of payment: The methods. [...] previous yea* efforts to reduce surplus stocks of jute by voluntary restriction of acreage in the light of the figures of arrivals and despatches for Calcutta and Chittagong, and were satisfied that the campaign for restriction together with the drought of March-April 1935 had led to the reduction of stocks in the province at the end of June 1936 by 23 lakhs of bales as compared with the stocks at [...] Nevertheless it appeared that the carry over was still too large to allow of the natural free play of the laws of supply and demand, and therefore Government decided in continue in 1936 the policy of restriction and to reconunénd to the cultivators that sowings should not exceed two-thirds of the acreage Planted in 1934.
government politics public policy
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i-iii unknown view
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Part I.
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Part II.
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i-vi unknown view