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Parliamentary Debates. House of the People. Official Report


The Deputy Minister of Irri. iation and Power (Shri Hattu): (a) The Central Committee for Land Reforms, which consists of the Chairman and the Members of the Planning Com- mission and the Union Ministers of Food and Agriculture and Minister of Agriculture, was set up with the 402 P. S. [...] D. C. Sharma: Will the Minister of Planning be pleased to state the different schemes under the Five Year Plan for the betterment of Harijans in the Punjab and the amount of money to he spent on each of them by the Punjab Government and the Central Government? [...] Keskar): (a) The principles which are kept in view in the matter of giving Government of India advertisements to newspapers and periodicals are: to secure the wid- est possible coverage within the funds available, to reach the masses in all walks of life, particularly where the advertisements carry a message to the people, and in selecting news- papers to pay due regard to effective circulation, r [...] timing and duration of the broadcasts, the age group intended to be served and the language employed, is placed on the Table of the House. [...] Shri M. L. Dwivedi: (a) Will the Minister of Planning be pleased to refer to the statement made by the Deputy Minister for Irrigation and Power at Ahmedabad on the 21st May, 1953 to the effect that the Government of India were working out details of a plan to combat corruotion at all levels of Administration and state the pro- gress made so far in this direction?
government politics public policy
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SARF Document ID
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i-1539 unknown view
Oral Answers to Questions
1539-1557 unknown view
Written Answers to Questions
1557-1565 unknown view