cover image: Parliamentary Debates  House of the People  Official Report

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Parliamentary Debates House of the People Official Report


The cost of the centre is to be met by the Government of India, Technical Cooperation Administration, the Ford Foundation and the Himachal Pradesh Government. [...] A statement compar- ing the position as at the end of May, 1952 with that at the end of June, 1953, is placed on the Table of the House. [...] Shri N. M. Lingam: May I know the extent of scheduled desert area in which the Government of India operate directly and the extent of area under the operation of the State Go. , vernments? [...] Shri A. N. Vidyalankar: Will the Minister of Food and Agriculture be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the financial provision made by Govern- rinent in the budget for the year 1952- 53 to arrest the expansion of the desert areas has mostly remained un- utilised; (b), if so, the reasons therefor? [...] Shri N. M. Lingam: May I know the rate at which the desert areas are expanding annually and apart from measures for the arrest of expansion of the desert, whether the provision in the Budget includes schemes for reclamation and arrest of soil erosion in the desert areas?
government politics public policy
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i-1239 unknown view
Oral Answers to Questions
1239-1264 unknown view
Written Answers to Questions
1264-1267 unknown view