cover image: Parliamentary Debates House of the People  Official Report

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Parliamentary Debates House of the People Official Report


D. C. Sharma: Will the Minister of Rehabilitation be pleased to state: (a) the amount of money granted to the States of Punjab, PEPSU and Himachal Pradesh by the Government of India in the year 1952-53 for giving house-building loans to displaced persons settled in those States; and (b) the number of houses and tenements constructed in those States with the help of those loans? [...] As regards stocks also, the stocks that were in the States in the beginning of this year, 1952-53, to the best of my know- ledge have diminished and the stocks are not so heavy as they were in the beginning of January. [...] Every step is being taken by the States, and pres- sure is being put constantly by the Food and Agriculture Ministry of the Government of India who are now in charge of the sales arrangements, ask- ing the States to allot these stocks to consumers and agriculturists and to see that the stocks are cleared and more and more sulphate is taken from the factory. [...] Shri Bhagwat Jha: May I know whe- ther it is a fact that the change in the nature and behaviour of Kosi is less frequent than the change in the opini- ons of the hon. [...] Shri Vittal Rao: May I know whether the attention of the Government has been drawn to the allegation of the Indian Collieries Union that the dec- line in exports was entirely due to the shortage of wagons?
government politics public policy
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i-1177 unknown view
Oral Answers to Questions
1177-1197 unknown view
Written Answers to Questions
1197-1207 unknown view