cover image: Census of India 1951. West Bengal  Sikkim and Chandernagore. Tables

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Census of India 1951. West Bengal Sikkim and Chandernagore. Tables


The sunrise of the 1st March was the reference date for verification of this enumeration and three days from the 1st to the 3rd March were employed in verifying the record written up to the midnight of the 28th February. [...] The title page to Imperial Table I of 1901 says the difference between some of the areas here shown and those in the corresponding table of 1891 is due to inter-district transfers as explained on the title page of Table II except in the case of Chittagong for which district revised figures have been supplied by the Survey Department and of a few districts where the figures in the last Census Re [...] The figures of area adopted for police stations are those furnished by the Government of Bengal and used in estimating the area of districts for the purposes of Imperial Table I ; they exclude large rivers and arms of the sea Sallin within or forming the boundaries of administrative units ; and from the areas of police stations and sudiviOns but not of districts parts of reserved forests and [...] 61 GA dated 17.8.47 stating that P. S. Karimpur shall consist the following areas :- (a) Areas now included in Karimpur P. S. in the district of Nadia and (b) Areas now included in Daulatpur P. S. in the district of Nadia and lying to the west of the River Mathbhanga up to and including the middle line of the present main channel of the said river. [...] miles) 32 32 32 44.8 41.7 32.32 The increase in area of the Corporation from 1921 to 1931 was due to the inclusion of several large areas the fall between 1931 and 1941 due to the exclusion of Garden Reach with the exception of the King George's Dock Area the accessio of 15 acres between 1941 and 1951 due according to the Calcutta Corporation to improved survey.
government politics public policy
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i A. Mitra view
i-iv A. Mitra view
Union Table A I—Area Houses and Population
1-10 A. Mitra view
State Table A I—Area Houses and Population
11-20 A. Mitra view
Union Table a II—Variation in Population During Fifty Years
21-26 A. Mitra view
Union Table a III—Towns and Villages Classified by Population
27-33 A. Mitra view
State Table a III—Towns and Villages Classified by Population
34-40 A. Mitra view
Union Table a IV—Towns Classified by Population with Variations Since 1901
41-62 A. Mitra view
Union Table a V—Towns Arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes
63-70 A. Mitra view
Union Table E—Summary of Livelihood Classes and Variation in Population
71-77 A. Mitra view
State Table E—Summary of Livelihood Classes and Variation in Population
78-120 A. Mitra view
Union Table B I Livelihood Classes and Subclasses of the Population
121-130 A. Mitra view
Union Table B II Secondary Means of Livelihood of Selfsupporting Persons and Earning Dependants
131-160 A. Mitra view
Union Table B III Selfsupporting Persons Classified as Employers Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions
161-264 A. Mitra view
Union Table B III—Abstract of Persons Subsisting on Non-Productive Activity
265-265 A. Mitra view
State Table B III—Livelihood Divisions Subdivisions and Groups
266-290 A. Mitra view
Union Table C II—Livelihood Classes by Age Groups for Sample Population
291-316 A. Mitra view
Union Table D VII—Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards
317-334 A. Mitra view
Union Table C III—Age and Civil Condition for Sample Population
335-348 A. Mitra view
Union Table C IV—Age and Literacy for Sample Population
349-362 A. Mitra view
Union Table C V—Single Year Age Returns for Sample Population
363-396 A. Mitra view
Union Table C I—Household (Size and Composition)
397-402 A. Mitra view
Union Table D I—Languages
403-444 A. Mitra view
Union Table D II—Religion
445-448 A. Mitra view
Union Table D III—Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Abstract of Anglo-Indians
449-452 A. Mitra view
Union Table D IV—Birthplace
453-494 A. Mitra view
Union Table D V—Displaced Persons from Pakistan
495-502 A. Mitra view
Union Table D VI—Non-Indian Nationals
503-508 A. Mitra view
Union Table D VII—Supplement—Foreign Educational Qualifications
509-530 A. Mitra view
Glossary of Vernacular and Peculiar Terms
531-534 A. Mitra view
535-535 A. Mitra view
i-ii A. Mitra view