cover image: Punjab District Gazetteers. Amritsar District  1914

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Punjab District Gazetteers. Amritsar District 1914


Though apparently of a uniform level the country in reality slopes to the north-west from the high right bank of the Bells to the left bank of the Rivi a fact which is evidenced by the height of the water in the wells and there is also a gentle slope of perhaps 2 feet in the mile down the Dotib which slightly broadens out as the two rivers diverge after issuing from the hills above Gurdisp [...] of the Sakki is generally the higher of the two and is hardened by the nodules of kankar with which near Karig' and Sdurign and up to the confluence with the Rdvi the left bank abounds. [...] The only other buildings that need be mentioned are the tower of Baba Atal built over the tomb of the son of Hargobind the sixth Guru close to the Amritsar airbar Sahib and the fort of Govindgarb just outside the city walls which was built by Mahireija Ranyt Singh in 1809 A. D. The interest of the history of this portion of the Punjab Early hithe fertile central Doabs commences with the [...] He taught them the hatred of idolatry which has also distinguished the orthodox Sikhs and that adoration was alone permitted in the case of the sacred book and to his teaching is due the practice of wearing the hair unshorn the taking of the surname Singh and the use of ornaments of steel. [...] The Jullundur Doab was ceded by the Lahore Darbar to the British and the greater part of the troops withdrew from the Bari Donb leaving only sufficient to act as a guard to the Resident appointed to the t;ourt at Lahore and for the protection of the Maharaja.
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
1-3 Under the Authority of the Punjab Government view
Chapter I.—Descriptive
4-42 Under the Authority of the Punjab Government view