cover image: University of Calcutta. Minutes of the Syndicate for the year 1951

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University of Calcutta. Minutes of the Syndicate for the year 1951


4. Read a letter dated the 27th December 1950 from the Secretary Council of Post-Graduate Teaching in Arts forwarding the following extract from the Prceedings of the Executive Committee of the Council of PosGraduate Teaching in Arts dated the 19th December 1950 :— Tho Secretary reported that with the approval of the President Dr. [...] As no intimation of the alleged decision mentioned in the notice was sent earlier and direct to the present Head Master or the Committee now managing the school the institution made all necessary arrangements for the holding of the necessary Test examination preparatory to the appear once in the ensuing Matriculation Examination. [...] 9. Read a letter dated 9th December 1950 from the Secretary to the Government of Tripura Education DeparMint forwarding an extract from the Governing' 'Body of the oak.* held on 6th October 1950 re constitution of the Governing Body of the college and stating that the Goverment of Tripura have no objection to the proposed reconstIndian of GOVerldlag Body of the college. [...] 69 000 (Rupees Sixty Nine Thousand) only to the Calcutta University to meet the cost of the work for the improvement of the ventilation of the Office and the Record Rooms of the Calcutta University Buildings subject to the following conditions :— The loan will titer interrst OO 3 1 annum and the Principal will be repaynbl. [...] 69 000 for the improvement of the ventlation of the Offices and the Record Roopos of the Univesity buildings ate as follows :— 1. Erectien of the plant for ventilation of the rooms with air filtration...
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.1 the 4th January 1951
1-6 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.2 the 6th January 1951
7-216 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.3 the 18th January 1951
217-272 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.4 the 19th January 1951
273-274 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.5 the 22nd January 1951
275-278 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.6 the 25th January 1951
279-324 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.7 the 1st February 1951
325-328 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.8 the 3rd February 1951
329-623 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.9 the 8th February 1951
624-644 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.10 the 9th February 1951
645-646 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.11 the 10th February 1951
647-788 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.12 the 13th February 1951
789-798 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.13 the 15th February 1951
799-836 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.14 the 16th February 1951
837-838 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.15 the 25th February 1951
839-984 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.16 the 26th February 1951
985-986 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.17 the 28th February 1951
987-990 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.18 the 3rd March 1951
991-1058 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.19 the 8th March 1951
1059-1230 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.20 the 10th March 1951
1231-1352 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.21 the 17th March 1951
1353-1364 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.22 the 21st March 1951
1365-1384 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.23 the 28th March 1951
1385-1510 unknown view
Minutes of the Syndicate for the Year 1951 No.24 the 29th March 1951
1511-1576 unknown view

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