cover image: Occupation of the coast – Blue Economy in India

Occupation of the coast – Blue Economy in India

1 Nov 2017

The report discusses India’s “Blue Economy” – the economic sector that engages with various components of the oceans, including the coastal areas and traditional occupations practised there. It foregrounds the sector due to its role in environment conservation, job protection, and economic growth. This 2017 report has been published by Research Collective of the Programme for Social Action (PSA), New Delhi.In 2015, the Government of India announced a project of Rs. 3,000 crores for the integrated management of fisheries. Despite its declared intention to improve fishery employment, the government has instead been industrialising coastal India for overall economic growth, the report states. Their developmental vision has been correlated with the Sagarmala Project launched in 2015 which converts coasts into industrial, economic zones. This 126-page document is divided into 3 chapters, each with its own subchapters. Introduction which consists of ‘The Blue Economy in India’ and ‘Context Setting: Blue Growth: Saviour or Ocean Grabbing?’. Regulate (Chapter 1) consists of ‘Losing Ground: Coastal Regulations’ and ‘High Tides of Privatisation: Fishing Regulations’...
ocean port coastal-regions fishing-communities


Research Collective Of The Programme For Social Action (Psa)

Published in
Research Collective of the Programme for Social Action (PSA)

Table of Contents