cover image: The Story of Millets


The Story of Millets

17 Aug 2018

The Story of Millets was published by the Karnataka State Department of Agriculture and the ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad in 2018. It has been compiled and edited by B. Venkatesh Bhat, B. Dayakar Rao and Vilas A. Tonapi from ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research. The book provides comprehensive information on millets, including nutritional and health benefits, history of origin and domestication. Millets are a group of small-grained cereal food crops with high nutritional value. They can be cultivated in marginal or low fertility soils with minimal use of inputs like fertilizers and pesticides. These crops, the book notes, play a significant role in ensuring food and nutritional security for India...


Karnataka State Department Of Agriculture And The Icar - Indian Institute Of Millets Research, Hyderabad

Published in
Karnataka State Department of Agriculture and the ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad