cover image: The State of the World’s Forests 2022


The State of the World’s Forests 2022

1 Jan 2022

The State of World Forests 2022 was published by Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations. It studies “forest pathways for green recovery and building inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies” and suggests three ways of doing this: halting deforestation and maintaining forests; restoring degraded lands and expanding agroforestry; and sustainably using forests and building green value chains.The 166-page document includes six chapters: Can forests and trees provide means for recovery and inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies? (Chapter 1); Forests and trees provide vital goods and ecosystem services but are undervalued in economic systems (Chapter 2); Three interrelated forest pathways could contribute to green recovery and a transition to sustainable economies (Chapter 3); Viable options exist for scaling up investment in the forest pathways- with potentially considerable benefits (Chapter 4); Smallholders, local communities and indigenous peoples are crucial for scaling up implementation of the forest pathways (Chapter 5); The forest pathways- A means for green recovery and resilient economies?(Chapter 6).
environment forests deforestation


Food And Agriculture Organization, United Nations

Published in
Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations

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