The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a nationwide household survey conducted since 2005 on children’s education and learning outcomes. Conducted across rural India, children aged 3-16 years are surveyed on pre-school and school enrolment levels, and those aged 5-16 years of age are assessed individually on their reading, arithmetic and English skills.The ‘Beyond Basics’ reports, first published in 2017, surveys 14-18-year-olds on their educational experiences across 28 districts in rural India. This ASER 2023 ‘Beyond Basics’ builds on the 2017 framework and adds new areas of survey such as digital and smartphone usage in rural areas. The survey reached 28 districts across 26 states in India reaching a total of 34,745 individuals. It finds that 86.8 per cent of 14-18-year-old youths are enrolled in an educational institution.This 248-page report is divided into five sections: Commentary (Section 1); ASER 2023: Background Documents (Section 2); The national picture (Section 3); District pages (Section 4); Annexures (Section 5).